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What Teen Drivers Should Know Before Getting Behind the Wheel in Ohio

Updated: September 23, 2024
Nicholas G. Gounaris
By Nicholas G. Gounaris

Nicholas G. Gounaris is a skilled trial lawyer and founding partner of Gounaris Abboud law firm. He provides clients of the firm with competent legal representation and focuses his law practice in the areas of DUI Defense, Criminal Defense, Family Law Issues, Federal Criminal Law and Personal Injury cases.

Many parents know when it’s time for their teenagers to get behind the wheel.

However, parents do not always realize the extensive requirements for obtaining a temporary permit, the rules that apply specifically to teenage drivers, and the steps necessary for securing a regular driver’s license once your teenager reaches the appropriate age.

New Ohio teen driving laws can cause added confusion, leading parents to think that the requirements or restrictions for teen driving have changed.

Non-compliance with licensing or traffic laws exposes teen drivers to criminal charges. Contact a Dayton juvenile defense attorney for assistance if your teen driver is accused of a criminal offense.

Why Are Teens at a Higher Risk of Motor Vehicle Crashes?

Teen drivers face many challenges that can make them more likely to crash than older drivers. For example, teen drivers have less experience behind the wheel. Their driver training is still fresh, and they may have not yet developed safe driving skills.

Additionally, teens may be tempted to violate Ohio juvenile driving laws like speeding or distracted driving because they have not seen or experienced the consequences. Young people also have less developed decision-making skills than older people. As a result, new teen drivers take greater risks, like failing to wear safety belts, and may make poor decisions, like using their cell phones while driving.

While driver education courses try to educate young drivers about the dangers of these behaviors, many forget them when they get behind the wheel. Many new drivers also behave differently when accompanied by a parent or guardian compared to when they are with their friends.

What Are Ohio’s Teenage Driver Laws?

The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) allows teenagers who are fifteen-and-a-half years old to obtain a temporary instruction permit identification card (TIPIC) once they pass a written and vision test.

The BMV offers the written test on a computer at most of its locations. If your teenager fails the written test, they can retake the test after 24 hours have passed. The written test contains 40 multiple-choice questions about Ohio traffic regulations and signs.

The BMV requires at least a 75% score on the test. After receiving a passing score, the teen driver has 60 days to purchase the TIPIC.

If your teen driver is under 16 years old, the TIPIC authorizes him or her to practice driving on public roads, but only when a parent, guardian, or certified driving instructor occupies the front passenger seat of the vehicle.

If the teen driver is older than 16 but under 18, he or she can practice driving with a licensed driver over the age of 21 in the front passenger seat.

Obtaining an Ohio Driver’s License for Teens

After holding a permit for at least six months and satisfying other requirements, your teen driver can apply for a probationary license.

During the six-month period, the teen driver must satisfy requirements including:

  • Turning 16 years old
  • Completion of a driver’s education course
  • 8 hours of driving instruction
  • 50 hours of supervised driving experience, at least 10 of which occur at night

The teen can start taking the driver’s education course when they are 15 years and five months old but cannot apply for the probationary license until they turn 16. When they complete the 24 hours of course instruction and practice driving time, your teen driver can contact any Ohio driver’s license exam station and schedule a skills test. The skills test involves an actual road test using your teen’s own vehicle. If your teen fails the driving test, he or she must wait seven days before attempting the test again. If they receive their license, they’ll still be subject to Ohio driving restrictions.

Need the Legal Help of Seasoned Traffic Lawyers in Dayton, OH?

If your teen is facing legal issues related to driving, don’t navigate this alone. Contact our experienced Dayton traffic lawyers to get the skilled assistance and representation you need.

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Ohio Teenage Driving Restrictions

Teens’ driver’s licenses in Ohio are subject to certain restrictions. Some of those restrictions fall off after holding the license for 12 months, but other restrictions remain in place until your teen turns 18.

During the first twelve months, Ohio’s teenage driving laws place the following restrictions on teen drivers:

  • Prohibition on driving between 10 PM and 5 AM absent specific circumstances
  • Only one non-family member as a passenger at a time, unless a parent or guardian is present
  • All occupants must wear seatbelts
  • The use of mobile devices is strictly prohibited

After they hold a driver’s license for at least 12 months, Ohio allows teen drivers to operate their vehicle at any time of night if accompanied by a parent or guardian, but other restrictions still apply.

Violating these restrictions can result in your teen being unable to drive without parental supervision for up to six months or until the teenager turns 17 years old, whichever happens first. Multiple violations can result in revocation of the probationary license.

Consequences for Violation of Ohio’s Teenage Driving Laws

Driving while under the legal driving age in Ohio has consequences. Drivers in Ohio must have a driver’s license, TIPIC, or probationary license. If they do not have any of those, they commit the crime of operating a motor vehicle without a valid license. This crime is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 500 hours of community service.

Ohio juvenile driving laws restrict what your teen can do even with a license, though. For instance, Ohio has laws punishing distracted driving. Ohio defines distracted driving as “engaging in any activity that is not necessary to the operation of a vehicle and impairs, or reasonably would be expected to impair, the ability of the operator to drive the vehicle safely.” Using this definition, distractions can include:

  • Eating or drinking
  • Texting
  • Talking to passengers or on the phone
  • Entering an address
  • Reaching for an object

Any traffic violations, from tailgating to receiving a speeding ticket in Ohio under 18, can result in a child being named a “juvenile traffic offender” by a court. The punishment for this designation can include driver’s license suspension, fines, probation, and even juvenile detention.

Ohio’s teen driving law also prohibits drivers under 18 from using a handheld device and authorizes the police to pull the teen driver over and issue a citation. The first violation will result in a 60-day license suspension and a $150 fine. A second violation results in a 1-year license suspension and a $300 fine.

Because the legal drinking age is 21, authorities have authorization to charge drivers under 21 with a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of at least 0.02%. This violation, “Operating a Vehicle After Underage Consumption,” can happen after just one drink.

The maximum potential penalties include up to two years of license suspension, a remedial driving course, re-taking the driver’s license examination, and four points assessed to your license. The penalties increase if the teen is a repeat offender.

Has Your Teen Been Accused of Illegal Driving in Dayton, OH? Contact Us Today!

Traffic violations can negatively affect both your teenager’s driver’s license status and insurance costs. A conviction for driving without a license, DUI, or distracted driving may seem minor. However, the consequences can affect your teenager for years.

By hiring a juvenile defense attorney with experience in Ohio’s teenage driving laws, you can ensure that no stone is left unturned in avoiding a traffic conviction.

At Gounaris Abboud, we will review the circumstances of your teen’s case and formulate a defense strategy to help obtain a favorable result.

With over 50 years of courtroom experience, we are confident in our ability to represent your family aggressively and efficiently. Contact our office at (937) 884-4941 today to start your free consultation.

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Need to Know About Ohio’s Teen Driving Laws?

Reach out online to get in touch with our team at Gounaris Abboud today to learn more.

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